Why Bio-Wheat™?
This refers to the biological farming method used to cultivate our wheat. After harvesting we leave the plant rests on the field to form natural humus. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizer. We aim to take better care of the soil in order to produce a healthier plant, which needs less pesticides.
Is Bio-Wheat™ organic?
No, our product is not organic and we have never claimed to be. It is not sustainable to cultivate wheat organically in our region. We however, aim to cultivate a healthier wheat plant by taking better care of our soil. The appearance of earthworms in our soil have visibly increased over the past few years and this is a good indication of soil conditions suitable for healthy plant growth.
Can people who are gluten intolerant use Bio-Wheat™ Stone Ground Flour?
We have had feedback from several gluten intolerant users who report that they do not have the same symptoms of stomach cramps or feeling bloated as experienced with commercially milled flour, when eating Bio-Wheat™ bread. The reason for this being, that we retain most of the wheat germ in our flour during the milling process. The wheat germ contains all the essential vitamins and minerals, but also the enzymes required to digest the protein in gluten. We mill our flour coarser and at a lower temperature and speed than commercially milled flour in order to retain most of the valuable wheat germ in our product.
Is Bio-Wheat™ Stoneground Flour a non-GMO product?
Yes! Most of our wheat is sourced from our own farm and from trusted suppliers in our area, so we can guarantee the traceability of our product.
We have consulted with our suppliers, SENSAKO, and according to them there are currently no GMO wheat seed available in South-Africa.
You currently sell 2kg packs of flour. Where can I buy larger quantities of your Bio-Wheat™ Stoneground Flour?
We are in the process of launching our 12.5kg pack of Bio-Wheat™ Stoneground Flour. In the meantime – you can contact us directly to order larger quantities.
- Where can I purchase Bio-Wheat™ Stoneground Flour online
Can I buy Bio-Wheat™ Stoneground Flour directly from you or perhaps even become a re-seller?
We have many stockists in & around South Africa. If you can’t purchase Bio-Wheat™ in your area – we’d love to change that! We’re always interested in new distribution channels. Please contact us directly with your specific need / suggestion.
Do you have more recipes available, other than those currently on the packaging?
Yes indeed! Please have a look at our recipes page. We also regularly share recipes on our Facebook page. If you have a tried and tested recipe you’d like to share with us – please let us know.
Are those really the Fourie children on the packaging?
Yes! Our son & daughter (and their cousins) are all visible on the packaging. The children on the flour packets all grow up on Bio-Wheat™ bread! We decided to feature our children on the labels of our packaging, because we believe so strongly in the integrity of our product. If this product is good enough for the 5th generation Fouries, then it should be good enough for your children too!