When visiting the Fourie farm, one is reminded of a bygone era where life seemed to pass by slower. This 5th generation family business has become our way of life. Leaving a legacy is what this product is all about. We pride ourselves on producing a single origin flour from the premium quality wheat the Rûens farming region in the Overberg has to offer.
BIO-WHEAT™ flour is stoneground; a process in which the wheat is ground slowly between the stones without exposing it to excessive heat, thereby retaining the nutritional vitamins, wheatgerm and fibre. In essence, stoneground promises nothing added or removed. BIO-WHEAT™ flour is produced with wheat cultivated by means of biological farming methods. We apply crop rotation to replenish the soil by recycling our wheat crops
with legume pastures. After harvesting, more organic matter is left in the soil to break down into natural humus. This reduces the need for chemical fertilizer, and in addition less pesticides are administered: pests do not like a healthy crop.
We believe strongly in farming for the future by caring for the soil today. We understand that in the process of cultivating our crops we need to consider people first. Our 5th generation guarantee is backed by the traceability of our product; from field to fork. BIO-WHEAT™ … it’s about a way of life.
Some Testimonials
“Great Product, my son was said to have allergies to gluten, he can eat the bio wheat range of flour with out breaking out, he is actually sensitive to the chemicals used in other flours. I have opened a health deli and use the bio wheat flours for my baking and wraps, and now sell you range as well. thank you. All the best for the food and wine show.”
– Kira Primo Dixon
“Module 1 of our Advanced Bread Course for Artisan bakers spent on the farm of Heinie & Tirsa Fourie outside Caledon. Just fantastic to see how the wheat is grown then milled on the farm. We stand amazed at the quality of the bread Bio-Wheat Flour gives us time and time again. Thanks guys!”
– The School of Artisan Baking
“Patisserie Praline has had 5 clients that have bought breads, that came back and said that gluten intolerant people can eat it with no problem.”
“Steengemaalde meel. The healthy foundation of Wafelhuys Stroopwafels“